Structure of the research centre :
The structure of SARCEO is established by the president of UMEF, the advisory board, the director of the centre, full- and part-time researchers and an administration manager.
External researchers may be invited to join as members.
President of UMEF
His main responsibility is to lead the team that defines the general strategy, audits the results of the activity, ensuring its diffusion to both internal and external stakeholders, develops annual meetings and other events, validates new researchers, and budget definition.
Advisory board
The advisory board is made up of both research scientists of the centre and outside advisors from a large variety of backgrounds that share their vision of research needs and their future contribution to society.
Director of the centre
Manages the centre in accordance with the strategic orientation, markets the centre to ensure adequate visibility, coordinates the various activities.
Full-time researchers
Academics who devote 30% of their time to research projects approved by the director academic. They are expected to produce at least two research inputs per year and share the knowledge in their teaching activity.
Part-time researchers
Academics who devote part of their time to a research activity approved by the director. They are expected to collaborate with existing projects or to carry out their own research activity and share the knowledge in their lectures. Such an activity could become full-time, or seeing the number of hours devoted to research increase, should research projects require their competencies.
Volunteer researchers
SARCEO welcomes all persons willing to cooperate in research projects.
Administrative tasks will be covered by the present personnel of UMEF in close cooperation with the director of the centre.
Contract research and consultancy :
SARCEO offers its competencies to outside public and private organisations so as to support them in problem-solving and decision-making. A significant amount of its revenue will originate from contract research and consulting. Funding by UMEF will also be a major financial contribution as 10% of the tuition fees will be dedicated to research. The director of the centre will devote an important part of his time to develop this activity.