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Covid 19
Coronavirus COVID-19


In view of the increase in the infections noticed by the Afghan Government, we would like to stress the importance of the measures listed below which also appear in the signs posted throughout the campus. These regulations apply to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.



  1. All visitors to the campus must wear a mask.

  2. They must use an alcoholic gel on arrival and departure.

  3. They must clean the space they have sat on and eventually took notes on.

  4. They must take all their personal belongings.

  5. No meeting will be held with more than a total of five persons.

  6. Avoid shaking hands and close contact with other persons

  7. Maintain a distance of 2 meters with other persons.


All visits must be done after a confirmed appointment. The confirmation will be done by electronic mail and the present message sent as an attachment.

Students :

Students must bring masks as well as a disinfectant liquid (hydroalcoholic disinfectant) for hands and general-purpose uses and apply the general measures:

  1. Masks must be worn in class;

  2. Carefully and regularly wash your hands with water and liquid soap, or disinfect your hands;

  3. Cough and sneeze in a paper handkerchief or inside your elbow;

  4. Throw away used paper handkerchiefs in a closed rubbish bin, then wash your hands carefully with water and liquid soap, or with a hydroalcoholic solution;

  5. Avoid shaking hands and close contact with other persons (both inside and outside the campus);

  6. Maintain a distance of 2 meters with other persons;

  7. Do not share any material;

  8. Clean your space at the end of the class. Disinfectants are available in each classroom;

  9. In case of COVID-19 symptoms, stay home, inform Dunya University and have yourself tested;

  10. Should you be sick, inform Dunya University and follow the instructions of the doctor;

  11. In class, during the breaks and outside the university campus, respect the social distance recommendations issued by Dunya University;

  12. At the end of each class, the faculty must open the windows for a minimum of 20 minutes.

  13. Electronic material, door handles, stair banisters will be regularly sanitized.


This measure is applicable to students, faculty and administration.​

These rules apply only when classes are held on campus.

For detailed information on Coronavirus, please visit the website of the MoPH

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