Our Journal
The Journal of Enterprises and Organisations’ Governance is a bilingual annual electronical journal published in English and in French by the Swiss Applied Research Centre for Enterprises and Organisations (SARCEO) from the Swiss UMEF University, in Geneva. The Journal edits theoretical and empirical research papers by professors, researchers, practitioners et doctorate candidates on issues relating to the transformational change that allows companies and organisations to rapidly adjust to a fast-changing environment. These publications have a direct impact on the life of citizens, enabling them to make, in turn, a more fruitful contribution to a peaceful and prosperous society.
Managing Board of the Journal
Editor: SARCEO
Director: Professor Djawed Sangdel, President of Swiss UMEF University
Executive Editor: Professor Mutoy Mubiala, Director of SARCEO, Geneva (Switzerland)
Peer-Review Committee
Dr Michael Akerib, Academic director of UMEF, Lausanne (Switzerland);
Dr. Lisen Bashkurti ;
Anis Bajerktarevic, president, International Law and Global Political Studies, Vienna (Austria);
Dr Mounia Benabdallah, Professor of marketing, strategy and management, Paris (France);
Dr. Ljubomir Danailov Frckoski, Rector of FON University and Professor of Law;
Dr Botoy Elangi, international civil servant (World Intellectual Property Organisation, WIPO), to be confirmed ;
Dr Robert-Germain Lanquar, Professor at the University of Aix-Marseille (France)
Dr. André Boyer, Professeur des Universités, Directeur de l’IPAG Nice.
Dr. Amina Djedidi, Maître de conférences université Paris 12
Dr. Salah Koubaa, Professeur, Doyen de la recherche, Faculté Ain Choq Casablanca, Maroc
Dr. Hcen Mzali, Professeur, Directeur IHEC Carthage, Tunis, Tunisie
Dr. Philippe Desbrieres, Professeur, IAE DIJON, Université de Bourgogne
Dr. Rickard Ensteöm, Professor, MacEwan University, Canada
Eric Leroux, Professeur des universités, Université Sorbonne Paris est

Policy Research Paper
